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Dealer said this Lincoln needs an engine

Dealer Said It Needed An Engine (Lincoln Continental)

We had a customer come in with a 2017 Lincoln Continental, which the dealer said it needed an engine. The customer decided to bring it to us for a second opinion and we started our own diagnosing. After running some tests we found that cylinder 4 was misfiring. Since the dealer said it needed an engine we removed the spark plug and it looked worn but in reasonable operating condition so we proceeded to put a camera through the spark plug hole and look at the cylinder for damage. The cylinder looked perfectly fine.

Air, Fuel, and Spark

Since we didn’t see any damage in the cylinder we continued our diagnosing as if the problem was a typical misfire. In which case the next step is to check for Air, Fuel, and Spark. If any of these is insufficient an engine will suffer a misfire. Through a power balance we found that removing or adding fuel to cylinder 4 didn’t affect the misfire on cylinder 4 so we suspected it to be a spark problem. We checked the ignition coil and confirmed that it was bad. We proceeded to replace it and the park plug with the Ford OEM Motorcraft brand components which are also used at the dealer and confirmed that it did solve the problem!

All It Needed Was An Ignition Coil, Dealer Said It Needed An Engine

The customer was so happy with the good news that he approved us replacing all 6 sparkplugs and ignition coils to eliminate the chance of having another ignition coil fail in the future. Once everything was replaced the engine was purring like a kitten and the customer was happy that he brought his car to us for a second opinion and a proper diagnosis. If you have a car in need of diagnosing, maintenance, or car repair feel free to Contact Us @ Tolima’s Auto Center!

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